Monday, October 11, 2010

Short update

Hello for you, I'm really sorry I can't announce that pyKake 0.7 is ready. My life has been pretty hectic in last few weeks and I have used almost all my free-time to get some rest. But the change is coming and after next weekend I hope that I have enough time (and power) to finish version 0.7 (before it becomes new pr 1.2 or Duke Nukem Forever). So, if everything goes as I have planned, there will be new version to test at the end of next week - or at least in the beginning of next after it. At least I hope that it will take little less time to get version 0.7 than was needed with DNF (I can't believe that it's really coming!).

Then about pyKake, I have decide that these are the last moments for you to affect what there will be in pyKake 1.0. So if you have some features in your mind and you can't find it from the following list , please post it as a comment, because the version 0.8 will be the last version (before version 1.x) with new functions (addons). After it, I will aim to 1.0, and that will only include code polishing, fixing and minor changes (if needed), but nothing major. So basically versions 0.8.x-0.9.x will be short time RCs, in the Extras-Devel, mainly for myself (and fast testers).

After the 1.0 there is again possibility to get some major features in the future versions, but I'm not sure yet do I move to the MeeGo, or still stay in Maemo5, so I really can't say, which platform is native supported and which is not. Of course, even if I move to the MeeGo, later pyKakes will be released to Maemo too, but because most of the development will happen in MeeGo it will take some more time to get Maemo release.

List of features in pyKake 1.0:
  • Using pyKake to take series of photos with different exposure to create HDR photos by Fedmahn Kassad in
  • Translations to different languages (I can do the Finnish and English, I may get Russian, but others, feel free to help).  
  • Icons for modes. Anyone interested to create these? Currently upcoming modes in 1.0 are: Basic, Bulb, Timed (capture), HDR (capture), Viewer and Settings.
  • (Automatic) Portrait mode (of course its already work with ctrl+shift+R, but the ui is not optified, as you can see if you test).

And plausibles (means, if I have enough time):
  • N900 as a remote flash (using the N900 cameras flash as flash :p ) from rantom in
  • Icons for buttons which won't actually need a text (again, if you wanna give a helpful hand, I'm more than glad).
  • And again, Config file for Sonys remote, this will be added on as soon as I get one. So if anyone have Sony DSLR and remote control for it and knowledge or will to learn Lirc - Please made a configure file for me. To get this started, go here.
And the good news! According to Andrew Zabolotny, the DSLR's from Samsung are supported to, because they are compatible with Pentax, so the support list will offically grow in the 0.7 :)

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